Student Handbook
KRMS Student Handbook
- Academic Dishonesty
- Advisory
- Agenda Book
- Athletics
- Attendance (see also Truancy)
- Building Searches
- Bullying
- Bus
- Chromebooks
- Code of Conduct
- Communication
- Conferences
- counseling
- Dances
- Detention of Students
- Dismissals
- Dress Code
- Drugs or Illegal Substances
- electronic devices/cell phones
- extracurricular activities
- field trips
- food allergies
- food service
- grading policy
- Health Office
- Homework
- Homework Club
- jumprope
- late bus
- Leaving school property
- Library Media Center
- lockers
- make-up work
- medication
- non-discrimination/equal opportunity
- passes/classroom sign-out sheets
- school wide expectations
- sexual harassment/sexual violence
- staying after school
- suicide prevention
- super knights
- Suspensions
- tardies
- tobacco use and possession
- truancy
- vacations
- valuables
- vape use and possession
- video and audio surveillance
- visitors
- weapons
Academic Dishonesty
Cheating and plagiarism are dishonest. A student who passes off the work of others may receive a grade of 1 or be required to redo the assignment, as may any student who knowingly contributes to this dishonesty. Other consequences may be assigned as well. Academic standards are seriously undermined by cheating, plagiarism, and unauthorized copying of class work. Plagiarism and unauthorized copying are considered cheating. Plagiarism is the taking and using as one's own the ideas, writing or other work of others. Any type of cheating will result in academic and disciplinary consequences. For further clarification please see school board policy IKL on the district website.
A small group of 8-12 students meeting daily with an adult who serves as their advisor. During advisory time you will prepare for your day, get to know a few other students on your team, and participate in cooperation and team building activities planned by your team. The entire school community participates in school wide advisory activities that are centered around the monthly super knight topics. Students are to remain in their advisory from 7:24-7:50.
Agenda Book
Students are given an agenda book at the beginning of the school year. It is required that students carry and use their agenda book to record assignments and passes. Don't tear out the pages! By checking the agenda book, parents have an opportunity to participate daily in their children's educational experiences and responsibilities. Lost or damaged agenda books can be replaced for $5.
Athletics are an important part of school life. They are both educational and recreational.
Students who desire to participate in athletic teams do so on a volunteer basis with the
understanding that it is a privilege and not a right to be a member of a school team.
Participation in interscholastic athletics is subject to the rules adopted by the Superintendent
and the Principal.
The following is a list of interscholastic sports offered at KRMS:
Fall: Football, Soccer, Field Hockey, Cross Country, Volleyball, and Golf
Winter: Basketball, Wrestling, Nordic Skiing and Alpine Skiing
Spring: Baseball, Softball and Track & Field
The athletic department utilizes FamilyID for our online registration system. This is a true
online system, there will be no papers to print and turn in. Directions for how to use this
system can be found on the Kingswood Athletics webpage. The only paper that may be
needed will be an updated physical, as these are an annual requirement for our student athletes. Physicals are to be turned in directly to Director of Athletics, Mr. Vaughn Beckwith. If Mr.
Beckwith is unavailable, there is a secure "drop box" outside his office at KRHS.
Students participating in middle school athletics or extracurricular activities must maintain
good academic and behavioral standards. All athletes must be a student in 'good standing" in
order to participate in athletics or extracurricular activities. Eligibility for sports will be determined by the middle school administration and athletic department middle school athletic director, Kyle Diamond. Administration consults with teachers when making this determination. Reviews for eligibility are done periodically throughout the season given the criteria mentioned below.
"Good standing" is defined but not limited to:
Adherence to school rules that regulate behavior and attendance
Respectful behavior towards all members of the school community
Respectful conduct with respect to other individuals on and off the playing field and in the activity.
Time management so that they will devote sufficient energy to their studies to ensure grades representing their true abilities.
A student is considered not to be in "Good standing" during the season of play/activity if the student:
Has been suspended either internally or externally. These students may lose the privilege of participation in middle school athletics or extracurricular activities for a period of time not to exceed 30 school days.
Students who are disrespectful or habitually referred to the office for negative behaviors may also lose the privilege to participate.
Has a grade below 2.5 in any of the 5 work habit grades
Attendance (see also Truancy)
Students are expected to be present at school each day. Parent and/or Guardian MUST CALL the school if their student will be absent. If a pattern of unexcused absences or tardiness develops, school consequences will be issued and/or parents/guardians will be expected to meet with team leaders/administration to develop a plan for consistent attendance.
Students will be given a blue slip from the office for absence or tardiness, which is to be given to their advisor.
Upon arrival to school, students should directly enter the front entrance, remain in approved areas and may not leave school for any reason unless approval has been given by an office or staff member. If students arrive before 7:00 AM, they are to remain outside the school building.
The following reasons are considered excused absences:
-Personal illness (doctor's note is appreciated).
-An appointment with a health professional that must be made during the regular school
-The observance of a recognized religious holiday when the observance is required .
during the regular school day.
-A family emergency.
-A planned absence for a personal or educational purpose that has been approved.
Building Searches
All students are entitled to a safe and healthy educational environment. The school has the
responsibility to protect students from anti-social behavior on the part of irresponsible
classmates. School administrators must take preventive and disciplinary measures that are
both swift and informal in order to be effective. When there is reasonable suspicion the
Superintendent, principal or authorized personnel may detain and search any student or
students on the premises of the public schools, or while attending, or while in transit to, any
event or function sponsored by or authorized by the school including, but not limited to,
cars in school parking lots, student's lockers, desks, bags and personal items.
It is the intent of Kingswood Regional Middle School to provide all students with an equitable opportunity to learn. We have an interest in providing a safe, orderly and respectful school environment that is conducive to teaching and learning.
Bullying is detrimental to student learning and achievement. It interferes with the mission of the schools to educate their students and disrupts the operations of the schools. Bullying affects not only students who are targets but also those who participate in and witness such behavior.
We also believe that promoting ethical and responsible behavior is an essential part of the school's educational purpose. Bullying interferes with the accomplishment of this goal.
Finally, we recognize the well-publicized incidents of violence and threatened violence that have occurred nationally in the past several years. As research suggests a link between bullying and school violence, the Board seeks to avoid such incidents and instead takes a systematic approach to bullying prevention and intervention.
It is not the school's intent to prohibit students from expressing their ideas, including ideas that may offend the sensibilities of others, or from engaging in civil debate. However, we do not condone and will take action in response to conduct that interferes with a student's opportunity to learn and the operation of the schools.
Bullying Prohibited: The Governor Wentworth Regional School Board is committed to providing all pupils a safe and secure school environment. Conduct constituting bullying and/or cyberbullying will not be tolerated and is hereby prohibited.
Bullying Defined: Bullying is defined as a single significant incident or a pattern of incidents involving written, verbal, or electronic communication, or a physical act or gesture, or any combination thereof, directed at another pupil which:
1) Physically harms a pupil or damages the pupil's property;
2) Causes emotional distress to a pupil;
3) Interferes with a pupil's educational opportunities;
4) Creates a hostile educational environment; or
5) Substantially disrupts the orderly operation of the school.
Bullying shall also include actions motivated by an imbalance of power based on a pupil's actual or perceived personal characteristics, behaviors, or beliefs, or motivated by the pupil's association with another person and based on the other person's characteristics, behaviors, or beliefs.
Certain behaviors may or may not constitute bullying depending on the context in which they occur. Behaviors such as teasing, property destruction, disrespectful behavior or comments, for example, though inappropriate and in violation of the code of conduct, may not necessarily constitute bullying. In these cases, the disciplinary actions and procedures outlined in the school's code of conduct will be followed.
Bus Conduct:
Riding the bus is a privilege that may be revoked for disruptive behavior or inappropriate
conduct. While on the bus, students are under the authority of the driver and are monitored by audio and video cameras. The school bus is
considered an extension of the classroom. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a
manner consistent with established standards for classroom behavior.
Each member of our educational community is expected to:
Be respectful and courteous.
Properly use public property.
Use the property of others only with permission.
Follow rules and reasonable requests.
Be kind and polite to others, in action and speech.
Take responsibility for their actions.
Be honest and truthful.
Be safe and make personal choices, which ensure the safety of others.
Level I: Misbehavior which interferes with the orderly operation of the bus:
Riding on unassigned bus
Sitting in wrong seat
Moving seats
Eating on the bus
Body in aisle
Getting off at the wrong bus stop
Crossing the road behind the bus
Consequences (probable)
Parent notification
Referral to administration
Suspension of bus privileges
Level II: Serious misbehavior or frequently repeated Level I offenses: Offenses (examples) Defacing the bus or bus property Being disrespectful, uncooperative, or disobedient Throwing objects Using vulgar, rude, or improper language Smoking Fighting Having any body part out of the window Causing a disruption to safe driving Repeat offenses of Level I misbehaviors Consequences (probable) Warning Parent notification
Referral to administration
Suspension of bus privileges
Level III: Dangerous or illegal behaviors: Offenses (examples) Destroying bus property Possession of weapons or dangerous objects Possession, sale, or use of illegal objects or materials Causing serious disruption to safe driving conditions Repeat offenses of Level I or Level II misbehaviors Consequences (probable) Parent Notification Referral to Administration Suspension of bus privileges Suspension from school Police Referral Expulsion Board Review
Late Buses: Late buses leave KRMS at 5PM and transports students to central locations in each of the towns in the Governor Wentworth and Middleton School Districts. Late buses run Monday-Thursday. The teacher for whom the student is staying will be responsible for the student until 4:30 PM and provide the student with a bus pass. A bus pass is required to ride the late bus. Late bus sign up should be completed in advisory. It is the responsibility of the student to notify their advisor if they need to ride the late bus. After completion of the activity or help, the student must wait in the lobby or outside front of the building for the late bus or thier ride to pick them up. Students who leave the property of KRMS are not the responsibility of the Governor Wentworth Regional School District and are not allowed to ride the late bus.
All of our students at Kingswood Regional Middle School will have access to a Chromebook here at school. No personal device may be connected to the GWRSD network unless it is owned by the District. This is for the security of our network as well as ensuring that only authorized apps/extensions are used by students so as to be compliant with NH's data privacy laws. The following links state the expectations and responsibilities that come with having personal Chromebook access.
Kingswood Regional Middle School's Top Ten Ways to Care For Your Chromebook:
Use your assigned chromebook only. Group work is fine with teacher permission and supervision: no loaning and no borrowing.
Keep your chromebook charged. Plug your chromebook in every night.
Use only URL's that are assigned by your teacher.
Do not put any additional stickers on your chromebook. The barcode stickers that are there should be left alone.
Always carry your chromebook carefully
Chromebooks are for instruction, not recreation.
Be safe and save your battery. Shut your screen when not in use.
Use chromebooks on desks or tables only (no floors or hall work).
Keep your chromebook looking and operating like new. If a problem(s) develops, report the problem(s) promptly to your teacher.
Code of Conduct
KRMS feels that it is very important to protect each student's right to an education. Behaviors that disrupt the learning environment or create unsafe conditions will be dealt with. The emphasis of behavioral expectations is on respect for oneself, others, and the school community. These three basic behaviors will create a school climate that is conducive to learning and one in which all students feel safe and confident.
Level I: Misbehaviors that interfere with the orderly operation of the school. These behaviors will be documented and handled by the teacher/team. Disciplinary action may include verbal warnings, parent contact and/or teacher/team detention. Consequences will be progressive.
· Follow reasonable requests
· Adhere to attendance/arrival/cafeteria/after school procedures
· Arrive on time to class/school
· Respect self/others/school property
· Walk in hallways and respecting personal space
· Use appropriate language
· Limit public displays of affection to hand holding
Level II: Serious misbehavior or repeated behaviors from Level I constitute a Level II offense. These behaviors will be referred to the team leader. A parent may be notified. Actions may include restitution, search and confiscation, a written student action plan,
team/administrative detention, in-school suspension and /or out-of-school suspension.
Suspensions will be progressive. The following behaviors are Level II offenses:
Forging a note, pass, or any other official paperwork for yourself or another student · Cheating on school work ( Cheating includes copying homework.) · Lying about being involved in an incident · Cutting a class for any reason · Instigating or participating in harmful behaviors
Failure to follow the procedures regarding the handling of medications
Possessing any inappropriate materials or matches, lighters etc.
Acting in a rude or disrespectful fashion to any adult · Skipping an after school detention
Failure to report potentially harmful behavior
Play fighting or play scuffle
Inappropriate behavior on a field trip · Truancy
Being in a restricted area (elevator, roof, janitor's office, etc.)
Level III: Illegal, dangerous behaviors and chronic offenders of Level II behaviors constitute a Level III offense. Alternative measures for intervention will be sought. These behaviors will bring in/out-of-school suspension and alternative actions, or expulsion as approved by the school board. Parents and police may be notified. Items will be confiscated. Parental meetings may be required prior to readmission. Suspensions will be progressive. Bringing a firearm to school will result in expulsion for 12 months. The following behaviors are Level III offenses:
•Engaging in an unlawful act (i.e., smoking, robbery, theft, violence, bomb threat) or
Committing an act of violence
· Deliberately setting off the fire alarm
· Possessing tobacco products or any other smoking materials/smokeless tobacco·
Possessing, using, or selling any illegal or controlled substance and/or paraphernalia·
Bringing any item to school which is considered dangerous, including weapons, knives,
sharp objects, firecrackers, stink bombs, etc.
· Intimidating, harassing, bullying, or threatening another person, including ethnic,
racial, sexual orientation or gender slurs
•Deliberately damaging or defacing any school property (you will pay for damages).· Making sexually explicit or embarrassing communications to others (Title IX offenses are documented, involve a parent meeting and may be filed with the Title IX coordinator at the SAU office.) · Touching others in ways in which are either personally offensive or socially
inappropriate (Title IX offense) · Profanity directed toward an adult · Blatant defiance of authority
Please reach out to teachers and administration when any questions arise. Another great point person to reach out to is the student's advisor. A large amount of our communication will be electronic. Families will receive daily emails from teams listing homework, reminders, and information about upcoming events. Families will also receive a weekly email from the Exploratory team outlined topics being covered in explore classes for the week. You will also receive emails throughout the year from administration addressing school wide topics and events. It is the family's responsibility to update their contact information. Please call the main office if any information needs to be changed during the year.
School Guidance Counselors assist students in a variety of ways. Some areas of focus include personal awareness, communication and interpersonal skills necessary for developing relationships with others, and helping students make choices to deal with change. School counselors work to support the development of skills to increase student success in both the school setting and the world of work. Our guidance counselors also provide guidance surrounding career planning and exploration, creating educational goals, and developing positive attitudes towards learning. Our counselors deliver classroom guidance lessons that support these activities. School Guidance Counselors at KRMS provide students with a comprehensive guidance and counseling program that fosters individual growth and success.
Only students who have been in attendance the day of the dance are permitted to attend. You may bring a guest only if the guest is a 7th or 8th grader and you have obtained permission from the administration at least 24 hours before the day of the dance. Students who receive a suspension ("in" or "out" of school) due to behavior, may be prohibited from attending the dance. Administration will make the final decision on a case by case basis.
Students are not allowed to leave a dance early unless previously arranged. Administration may prohibit attendance at dances or extracurricular activities due to misbehavior. Dances begin at 6:00 pm and end at 8:30 pm. Parents, please pick up promptly.
Students are expected to follow the KRMS Dress Code. (Appropriate hats will be permissible.) No outside food or drinks are allowed inside during a dance. Drinks and snacks can be purchased. There is transportation provided to and from the dance, unless bus behavior is severe enough that they are canceled for one, two or all future dances. This is an opportunity that is NOT guaranteed. There is a fee charged that must be paid when you arrive at the dance. The Ossipee bus stops at the Ossipee Town Hall at approximately 5:30 PM and at Court House Square in Ossipee at 5:40 PM. The New Durham bus leaves from the New Durham School at 5:30 PM.
Detention of Students
Teachers and administrators have the authority to detain students at lunch or after school hours for infractions of classroom or school rules. Before assigning students to detention, the student will be informed of the reason for the detention, and the student will be given an opportunity to explain their version of the incident. Teachers/administrators have the discretion to substitute alternative discipline in cases where they deem detention inappropriate.
All students detained for disciplinary purposes will be under the direct supervision of a member of the professional staff or other person designated by the building administrator. Students in after school detention are expected to use the time constructively to complete school assignments or for other educational purposes. Students who fail to serve a scheduled detention may be subject to additional disciplinary measures.
Dress Code
The Board recognizes that student individual dress is primarily a parental responsibility that should reflect concern for health and safety of students, staff, and others. When the dress of an individual student constitutes a health problem, is unsuitable for school wear, is a danger to any person, or causes a substantial and material disruption or substantial disturbance, the principal or their designees, shall take appropriate action to correct the situation. The following apparel is not to be worn during the school day: clothing with offensive, lewd, vulgar, or racist language or pictures, tops that do not properly cover the upper body and mid-section, bottoms that do not properly cover the lower body, or clothing that glorifies, encourages, or promotes the use of alcohol or other drugs. Caps, hats, or hoods may be worn but must be removed if they interfere with the educational process or limit identification with exceptions for health, religious, or safety reasons. Principals, or their designees, are authorized to interpret this policy in their respective buildings as appropriate and necessary. Students who violate this policy will be given an opportunity to correct the situation by either changing the clothing, removing the clothing (if appropriate), wearing it inside-out, or other means as determined by the principal, or their designees, so the student is in compliance with this policy. Students who repeatedly violate this policy may face more disciplinary action including, but not limited to detention, or suspension.
Drugs or Illegal Substances
By law, the sale, use, or possession of any illegal substance (alcohol, drugs, vape paraphernalia, etc.) is forbidden on school property. Violation of this regulation will result in immediate suspension and possible expulsion. A parent conference will be required for re-admittance. Counseling is available for any student with a substance problem.
electronic devices/cell phones
The school recognizes that many students possess cell telephones and other electronic devices. Cell phones have become a way of life, a technological convenience that has impacted all of our lives in one way or another. However, in the school environment, cell phones have become a distraction, interruption, and a method of illegal exchange of information. The ringing of the cell phone during class or the text-messaging takes away from the valuable time needed for instruction and most importantly, student learning. We do recognize that cellphones can be a safety/ security tool; however, they can be a detriment in the event of a building emergency and our protocol to manage such emergencies in a safe and effective manner. Parents are urged to utilize the school phone to relay any messages that may be urgent in nature to their child.
No student will be allowed to possess or use a cell phone during the hours of 7:24 am to 2:24 pm. Cell phones must be off and secured in the student's assigned locker. These items may be confiscated by staff when they are seen or heard. If it is heard or is being used without permission, consequences may be assigned. KRMS is not responsible for damage, loss or theft of such devices.
The consequences will be as follows:
1st offense - Cell phone held by the teacher/office until the end of the class.
2nd offense - Cell phone will be held in the office until the end of the day and if the cell phone is in their possession, the student will turn the phone in to the front office for one week.
3rd offense - Cell phone will be held in the office and administration may ask a parent to come to the office to pick it up. Cell phones will be asked to be turned in daily for a length determined by the administration.
No personal electronic device may be connected to the GWRSD network unless it is owned by the district. This is for the security of our network as well as ensuring that only authorized apps/extensions are used by students so as to be compliant with NH's data privacy laws.
extracurricular activities
Extracurricular activities are those activities that ordinarily occur outside the school day. Student extracurricular activities are an integral part of school life and are used as a means of developing wholesome attitudes and good human relations as well as knowledge and skills. These activities often require as much careful planning and supervision as student experiences in the academic subject areas; however, care must be taken that these activities do not take precedence over subject matter areas, but remain as supplemental activities to the basic courses of study. Any new extracurricular activity must be approved by the principal. Kingswood Regional Middle School requires those students participating in extracurricular activities to maintain a minimum grade of passing in all their classes. The following is a list of extracurricular activities that the middle school offers: Homework Club, Drama, Intramurals, Jazz Band, Student Council, Yearbook Club, Envirothon, Dungeons and Dragons Club, National History Day Competition, Unicycle Club, and Robotics.
Students participating in middle school athletics or extracurricular activities must maintain
good academic and behavioral standards. All athletes must be a student in "good standing" in order to participate in athletics or extracurricular activities. Eligibility for extra curricular activities will be determined by the middle school administration. Administration consults with teachers when making this determination. Reviews for eligibility are done periodically given the criteria mentioned below.
"Good standing" is defined but not limited to:
● Adherence to school rules that regulate behavior and attendance
● Respectful behavior towards all members of the school community ● Respectful conduct with respect to other individuals on and off the playing field and in the activity.
● Time management so that they will devote sufficient energy to their studies to ensure grades representing their true abilities.
A student is considered not to be in “Good standing” during the season of play/activity if the student:
● Has been suspended either internally or externally. These students may lose the privilege of participation in middle school athletics or extracurricular activities for a period of time not to exceed 30 school days.
● Students who are disrespectful or habitually referred to the office for negative behaviors may also lose the privilege to participate.
● Has a grade below 2.5 in any of the 5 work habit grades
field trips
food allergies
Families of students who have specific allergies are asked to work with the school to develop a health plan that best supports their son/daughter with recommendations from the medical profession. The documentation from the medical practitioner is vital in determining appropriate steps in controlling the environment to the best of our ability. While there is absolutely no way to guarantee complete safety for any student with any type of allergy, if we are working with families to determine appropriate supports, we will avoid most issues and provide awareness for all.
food service
Our cafeteria uses a point-of-sale computer system for students to purchase meals, snacks, and drinks. Students type in their ID number on a keypad to access their account. All sales are to be made during breakfast and lunch serving times only. All cash and checks must be submitted to the cafeteria. Payment may also be made online through the My School Bucks website. No food or drinks are to be consumed in the hallways. Prices below are subject to change for the 2024-2025 school year.
Online Payment Link
Breakfast is served in the cafeteria from 7:00 am - 7:24 am. All food and drink must stay in the cafeteria. Students must leave the cafeteria at the morning bell. Breakfast Prices: $1.75 /student
Students are expected to use good manners, to clean up after themselves and to stay seated until dismissed by the duty staff member. Students will be seated no more than six at a table. Throwing or mishandling food is not acceptable behavior in the cafeteria. Lunches will be monitored and supervised by duty staff members.
Lunch Prices: $3.50/student.
grading policy
Philosophy: Each student is unique, and grades reflect a student's ability, effort and achievement. The purpose of grades is to communicate progress and to motivate each student to be her or his personal best. There are three grading periods. Each teacher will explain the grading procedure at the beginning of each course. Academic grades are based solely on meeting the Course Standards. Missing assignments will immediately be assigned an "M" for "missing" and after two weeks will be turned to an "I" for "incomplete". If the assignment is not turned in, the student will receive a "1" on that assignment. Work will not be accepted after the two week date. Teams may request a parent-teacher meeting if progress is not being made toward the standards in two or more courses.
The Middle School uses JumpRope as our standards based grading program. A parent and student portal is available online. Usernames and passwords will be issued along with directions of how to access your accounts.
ACADEMIC MASTERY GRADE: The knowledge and skills achieved by the student at this particular point in time, as measured by performance on final projects, reports, tests, and other demonstrations of learning. It is designed to provide you with an accurate picture of your level of achievement in mastering specific standards
3.6 -4.0 --Consistently excels in the standards for the quarter
3.0 -3.5 --Consistently meets the standards for the quarter
2.0 -2.9 --Progressing toward meeting the standards for the quarter
1.0 -1.9 --Has not met the standards for the quarter
WORK HABITS / LIFE SKILLS GRADES: Teacher's judgment of student's demonstration of the successful habits that maximize learning in each subject. This is measured by such things as demonstrating responsibility for learning, citizenship, and challenging oneself.
4 == Consistently, 3 == Usually, 2 == Sometimes, 1 == Rarely
Demonstrates Responsibility for Learning
1. Practices to improve and completes work
• Behaviors:
I complete work to the best of my ability.
I take opportunities to improve.
I use resources when appropriate.
2. Engages in learning
• Behaviors:
I stay on task.
I participate and work productively.
I pay attention.
I come prepared and organize my workspace and materials. Challenges Self
1. Demonstrates perseverance
• Behaviors:
I work through challenges.
I take academic risks.
I seek help as appropriate. Citizenship
1. Cooperates with and respects others
• Behaviors:
o I use appropriate language and tone when speaking with peers and adults.
I listen when others are speaking.
I take positive steps to resolve conflicts.
I encourage and help others.
I share ideas and materials.
2. Demonstrates individual responsibility
• Behaviors:
I follow school rules.
I make good choices
I demonstrate honesty.
I accept responsibility for my actions
Health Office
The goal of the health office is health promotion and disease prevention. The nurse provides minor first aid, dispenses medication, performs vision and hearing screenings, and updates immunization records. The nurse works closely with students, staff, parents and physicians to develop a medical plan of care for any student with a health related condition and assist with community resource referrals.
Any student who takes medication daily at school must have parents deliver these to the school nurse. Students are not allowed to carry any prescription or over-the-counter
medications in their possession at school without permission of the nurse.
Students with symptoms of fever, vomiting or diarrhea need to stay home when they are ill. Any student with a fever of 100 degrees or greater, vomiting, and/or diarrhea needs to stay home until they have been without any of the above symptoms for a FULL 24 hours; as well have been fever-free for a full 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications such as Tylenol and/or Motrin. Any student starting on an antibiotic for a contagious illness needs to remain at home until they have been on the prescribed medication for 24 hours.
Homework is an important part of the total academic experience during seventh and eighth grades. At the middle school level, homework promotes student responsibility, skill development, subject mastery, and enrichment. Homework expectations vary with subject matter. Specific homework assignments will be determined by teams in accordance with general school guidelines.. Students are encouraged to read every night. Teams may differ in their method of structuring homework assignments. Assignments not finished in class are expected to be finished at home. Students are responsible for making up all missed assignments. Check teacher websites and JumpRope for current information.
Homework Club
A password protected website that provides parents and students access to student information including grades and teacher assignments. Usernames and passwords will be issued along with directions of how to access your accounts. Parents are encouraged to contact the front office for help setting up their parent portal account or with questions.
Grades are posted to the Parent Portal by the teachers. The grades that you see are a "snapshot" of how the student is progressing toward the standards. Please remember that all assignments will be posted as soon as possible, but some assignments will take longer to assess and post depending on their size. If you have any questions, please contact the class teacher
Overall standard scores are calculated using a formula which gives greater weight to more recent assessments. As students have more time and opportunities to practice any given skill (standard), their scores should improve, and a traditional average does not properly reflect this growth.
late bus
Late buses leave KRMS at 5PM and transports students to central locations in each of the six towns in the GWRSD. Late buses run Monday-Thursday. The teacher for whom the student is staying will be responsible for the student until 4:30 PM and provide the student with a bus pass. A bus pass is required to ride the late bus and students need to be directly involved in a school activity to access the late bus.
After completion of the activity or help, the student must wait in the lobby for the late bus or their ride to pick them up. Students who leave the property of KRMS are not the
responsibility of the Governor Wentworth Regional School District and are not allowed to ride the late bus.
Leaving school property
Library Media Center
Students have the privilege of using the library to select reading materials, conduct research, and to read or study in a quiet environment. All material should be properly cared for and signed out in accordance with established library procedures. Students with overdue materials may not sign out additional material until the overdue materials are returned. If library materials are lost, the student and/or his or her family are responsible for financial reimbursement. No food or drink, except water, is allowed in the library. All school rules are in effect while in the library. Students may visit the library media center before advisory in the mornings or during the school day with teacher permission.
Students will be assigned a locker at the start of the school year. It is expected that students will use their assigned lockers. Most lockers have locks on them, but some locks may need to be provided to some students. Privately purchased locks are not permitted and will be cut off. Students are encouraged to keep their lockers locked at all times and not to share their combinations with others. All lockers are considered to be school property.
make-up work
Any student who takes medication daily at school must have parents deliver these to the school nurse. Students are not allowed to carry any prescription or over-the-counter medications in their possession at school without permission of the nurse. Medication of any kind will not be administered unless a permission form is on file. All medications must be brought in by a parent or guardian.
non-discrimination/equal opportunity
Title IX provides that, "No person in the United States be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving federal financial assistance," with certain exceptions. Title IX is similar to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 except that Title IX applies to discrimination based on sex, is limited to education programs and activities, and including employment in those programs & activities. In accordance with Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, Public Law 92-318, and amendments thereto in Public Law 93-568, and of the code of Federal Regulations, Title 45, Part 86, which implements those laws, the following is the policy of the Governor Wentworth Regional School District: In its actions, and those of its employees, there shall be no discrimination on the basis of sex, race, religion, national origin, or age for employment in, participation in, or operation or administration of, any educational program
or activity in the district.
The superintendent shall designate a district administrator to be Title IX Coordinator. Inquiries, complaints, and other communications relative to this policy and to Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 and other public laws and federal regulations concerned with non-discrimination on the basis of sex, shall be addressed to the following person designated by the school board to coordinate the district's efforts to comply with Title IX.
Title IX Coordinator
SAU #49,
P.O. Box 190,
Wolfeboro Falls, NH 03896-0190
Telephone (603) 569-1658
Any complaint or alleged infraction of the policy, law, or applicable regulations in the application of Title IX will be processed through AC-R.
Please see Policy Attached at the end of this handbook
passes/classroom sign-out sheets
school wide expectations
sexual harassment/sexual violence
Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination and is against the law. Sexual violence is a physical act of aggression that includes a sexual act or sexual purpose. The District prohibits any form of sexual harassment and sexual violence.
It is the policy of the Governor Wentworth Regional School District to maintain a learning environment that is free from sexual harassment and sexual violence. We expect all members of this academic community may work and learn in an atmosphere of respect for the dignity and worth of all its members.
It shall be a violation of this policy for any student or employee to harass a student through conduct or communication of a sexual nature. It shall be a violation of this policy for any student or employee to be sexually violent to a student.
The District will investigate all complaints of sexual harassment or sexual violence and will discipline any student or employee who sexually harasses or is sexually violent to a student or employee of the District. Complaints may be formal, informal, verbal or written. A student who believes he/she is the victim of sexual harassment or sexual violent by a student or an employee of the District should report this immediately to a teacher, counselor, or administrator. Also, any knowledge of sexual harassment happening must be reported.
Please see Policy Attached at the end of this handbook
staying after school
Students may stay after school only for organized activities supervised by adults. When the school provides supervision, students are permitted to remain at school after dismissal to attend school-sponsored events such as athletics.
LATE BUS: Late buses leave KRMS at 5PM and transports students to central locations in each of the six towns in the GWRSD. Late buses run Monday-Thursday. The teacher for whom the student is staying will be responsible for the student until 4:30 PM and provide the student with a bus pass. A bus pass is required to ride the late bus. After completion of the activity or help, the student must wait in the lobby
for the late bus or their ride to pick them up. Students who leave the property of KRMS are not the responsibility of the Governor Wentworth Regional School District and are not allowed to ride the late bus.
suicide prevention
Protecting the health and well-being of all students is of utmost importance to the school district. The school board has adopted a suicide prevention policy which will help to protect all students through the following steps:
Students will learn about recognizing and responding to warning signs of suicide in friends, using coping skills, support systems, and seeking help for themselves and friends. This curricular content will occur in all health classes throughout the school year, not just in response to a suicide, and the encouragement of help-seeking behavior will be promoted at all levels of the school leadership and stakeholders
Each school or district will designate a suicide prevention coordinator to serve as a point of contact for students in crisis and to refer students to appropriate resources
When a student is identified as being at-risk, a risk assessment will be completed by a trained school staff member who will work with the student and help connect the student to appropriate local resources
Students will have access to national resources that they can contact for additional support, such as: —
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
The Trevor Lifeline: 1-866-488-7386 — Trevor Lifeline Text/Chat Services, available 24/7 Text “TREVOR” to 678-678
Crisis Text Line: Text TALK to 741-741
All school personnel and students will be expected to help create a school culture of respect and support, in which students feel comfortable seeking help for themselves or friends. Students are encouraged to tell any staff member if they or a friend are feeling suicidal, or are in need of help.
While confidentiality and privacy are important, students should know that when there is risk of suicide, safety comes first.
For a more detailed review of policy changes, please see the district’s full suicide prevention policy.
super knights
Each month the entire school community participates in school wide advisory activities that are centered around the monthly super knight topics listed below. In addition, students from each team are recognized for outstanding efforts and achievements in these areas.
September - Responsibility
To be accountable for what you do, for your actions and behavior.
October - Respect
To feel or show honor for the feelings and rights of yourself, others and the world around you. To show polite, well-mannered behaviors towards others.
November - Self-Esteem
To show self-respect and confidence in your own worth and abilities.
December - Compassion
To be kind, friendly, considerate and willing to listen; to show care and concerns for others.
January - Honesty
To be truthful, just and speak with sincerity
February - Tolerance
To respect the individual differences, views and beliefs of others with kindness and respect.
March - Cooperation
A willingness and ability to work with others towards a common purpose.
April - Perseverance
To work hard on something difficult, without giving up in a consistent manner.
May - Citizenship
To demonstrate your role as a member of KRMS by following school rules and expectations.
June - Courage
To willingly face obstacles and challenges with consistent determination.
The school administration is authorized by the Superintendent of Schools and State law to suspend students from school if the situation warrants.
OUT-OF-SCHOOL SUSPENSION: Parents will be notified in writing and by telephone, if possible, of all out-of-school suspensions. Out-of-school suspension is not a disciplinary measure in itself, that specifically will improve negative behavior. However, it is an appeal by the school for the parent to take their child home for a period of time to reinforce the minimum standards of behavior. Students under suspension are not allowed on school property and are not to participate in any school functions during the period of suspension. Students who receive a suspension (“in” or “out” of school) due to behavior, may be prohibited from attending the
dance. Administration will make the final decision on a case by case basis. If for any reason school has been cancelled during the suspension, the suspension is carried over to the next school day.
IN-SCHOOL SUSPENSION: Students on ISS will report directly to the main office and are expected to complete all assignments given for that day. Credit will be given for work assigned and completed in in-school suspension. Disruptions or violations
of in-school suspension rules will result in an out-of-school suspension. Students may not take part in or observe any school activity on the day of in-school suspension. Students who receive a suspension (“in” or “out” of school) due to behavior, may be prohibited from attending the dance. Administration will make the final decision on a case by case basis. Students need to leave the school grounds at 2:30 PM unless otherwise pre-arranged with an administrator. Parent/guardian may be required to meet with school officials for repeated offenses.
tobacco use and possession
In order to promote the health and safety of all students and staff and to promote the cleanliness of all facilities, the GWRSD school board prohibits the use of all tobacco products including e-cigarettes and vaping materials and selling, distributing or in any way dispensing tobacco products including e-cigarettes and vaping materials in school buildings, on school grounds, on school buses, or at all school-sponsored events by all persons. Administration will follow all state laws in regards to the use of tobacco, e-cigarettes or vape materials on campus.
Truancy is defined as any unexcused absence from school or class. Ten half days of unexcused absence during a school year shall constitute habitual truancy. The Truant officers shall have authority without a warrant, to take and place in school any children violating laws relating to compulsory attendance.
Parent and/or Guardian MUST CALL the school to inform them of their student’s absence.
If a student’s family plans to take a vacation during the academic year, the student must bring a note signed by a parent/guardian pertaining to the vacation at least five school days in advance. Students are responsible for making up all missed assignments upon their return to school. It should be noted that absences for vacations could have a negative effect on learning.
vape use and possession
In order to promote the health and safety of all students and staff and to promote the cleanliness of all facilities, the GWRSD school board prohibits the use of all tobacco products including e-cigarettes and vaping materials and selling, distributing or in any way dispensing tobacco products including e-cigarettes and vaping materials in school buildings, on school grounds, on school buses, or at all school-sponsored events by all persons. Administration will follow all state laws in regards to the use of e-cigarettes or vape materials on campus.
video and audio surveillance
KRMS encourages the active interest and involvement of parents and citizens in the public schools. In order to avoid interruption of the instructional programs and to promote the safety of students and staff, building principals shall institute administrative procedures concerning visitors to the schools. Student visitors are NOT allowed during school hours. The term “visitor” shall apply to any person on school grounds or in school buildings who is not an employee or student of the school unit.
1. All visitors must sign in with the main office and receive a name tag. 2. All visitors who wish to visit classrooms, observe aspects of the instructional program or meet with staff members are expected to schedule such visits in advance. Teachers and other staff may not use instructional time to discuss individual matters with visitors.
3. Visitors shall comply with all applicable Board policies and school rules. Visitors who violate these policies/rules and /or disrupt the safe and orderly operation of the school shall be asked to leave the premises.
4. The building administrator/designee has the authority to refuse entry to school grounds or buildings to persons who do not have legitimate, school-related business and/or who may disrupt the operations of the schools. This may include, but not be limited to, the news media, profit-making businesses, fundraisers and other organizations seeking access to students and/or staff.
5. School staff shall report unauthorized persons on school grounds or in school buildings to the building administrator/designee. Unauthorized persons shall be directed to leave the premises immediately.
6. The building administrator/designee may request the assistance of law enforcement as necessary to deal with unauthorized persons or violations of the law by visitors to the schools.
State laws are very strict on this issue. Any articles that could be considered dangerous to the health and safety of others, such as knives, guns, (including BB and pellet guns), firecrackers, or sharp instruments, are not allowed in school. Possession of any weapon on school property may lead to expulsion. Police action may also be requested. Be aware of “look-alike” items. These items are simply not allowed and will be considered a safety issue.
PDF Version of 2024-2025 Student Handbook
SAU #49 Mission Statement
KRMS Mission Statement
What defines a middle schooler?
One of the reasons for identifying our students as middle schoolers is that the students are in the middle of many aspects of their lives. They are in the middle ages of their school lives between 11 and 15 years of age. They are
beginning adolescence, between depending upon adults for everything and making more of their own decisions. Middle schoolers are between childhood and adulthood in their physical and emotional growth.